As the new officers of the Gainesville APhA-ASP Chapter, we are excited to take the next step in advancing our profession by leading, developing, and bringing opportunities to all of you, because, Together We Can!
Top (L to R): Jade Levy, Stephany Fournier, Emily Harman, Lisa Deacon
Bottom (L to R): Douglas Tam, Melody Saunders, Meredith Diamond, Samantha Axelrod, Christopher Duphren
Meredith Diamond, President
Christopher Duphren, President-elect
Lisa Deacon, Vice President of Internal Affairs
Stephany Fournier, Vice President of External and Legislative Affairs
Samantha Axelrod, Vice President of Patient Care Projects – National
Melody Saunders, Vice President of Patient Care Projects – Local
Douglas Tam, Vice President of Communications
Jade Levy, Vice President of Finance
Emily Harman, International Vice President