Operation Heart

Operation Heart Logo


“More than 2,150 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day. This is an average of 1 death every 40 seconds.”

Approximately 77 million US adults have hypertension, and 13 million are unaware that they have hypertension. About 75% of those who are aware of their condition are taking antihypertensive medications, but only 53% have their hypertension controlled. As the public’s most accessible health care provider, pharmacists can play a significant role in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. As future health care professionals and patient advocates, student pharmacists can support these efforts and address an unmet need in public health by helping patients identify and understand their risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Student pharmacists can play an important role in improving patient health care through health fairs. Community outreach programs also allow student pharmacists the opportunity to learn and practice their communication and clinical skills, which they can then carry on into their professional careers. Operation Heart is a patient care organization that raises cardiovascular awareness in our community by providing free blood pressure and cholesterol screenings. Operation Heart gives student pharmacists the opportunity to work directly with patients in the community to perform important health screenings, monitor associated risk factors, encourage healthy lifestyle decisions, and counsel patients on their medications and cardiovascular health. Through public awareness, community outreach, and patient-specific education on cardiovascular risk factors, student pharmacists can empower patients to take control of their health and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Operation Heart Chairs

Gainesville Campus

  • Shakira Fadus
  • Kaitlyn Sassaman
  • Adhya Tripathi